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Sonoscan - Discover Defects First

Sonoscan is the most experienced source in Acoustic Microscopy for non-destructive internal inspection and analysis.

Data Accuracy

Sonoscan’s Acoustic Micro Imaging technology collects the highest resolution data from all three dimensions of a sample, creating a virtual sample from which minute defects and features can be detected.


Image Quality

The off-the-shelf transducers typically found in the marketplace can’t match Sonoscan’s unique performance and reliability. Sonoscan transducers are specifically developed for AMI analysis, deliver maximum resolution and maximum penetration at each frequency. 


Technical Leadership

Sonoscan’s engineers and scientists have authored more than 300 publications in the field of Acoustic Micro Imaging. Additionally, members of our technical staff are frequent speakers at national and international symposia, seminars and exhibitions.



The 7th Generation of C-SAM Technology

The most sophisticated and fully featured C-SAM acoustic microscope for laboratory analysis and specialised high-resolution applications.

The Gen7™ C-Mode Scanning Acoustic Microscope is the 7th generation of Acoustic Micro Imaging (AMI) instruments and has the most comprehensive range of analytical capabilities, accuracy and resolution. Get in touch today for a demonstration at our Chineham Business Park facility.



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